Sunday, May 23, 2010

I need more info on TAROT TRANSLATIONS (mostly for reversals)?

i need some free, possibly printable info on rider-waite tarot. i need card translation for the regular and reversed placings. i am experianced, just not as well as others. gathering info so i can make a book forpersonal use... any help is much appreciated thanks

I need more info on TAROT TRANSLATIONS (mostly for reversals)?
now that the amen chorus has finished - let's get down to work. First, I strongly recommend spending time with each card without the advantage of ANY interpretive information. Since you're already experienced that's not possible, but it is possible to reconsider what the symbolism means to YOU personally (IMO this is the way to get the best readings and remember all the symbolism).

Second, some readers choose to read the reversal the same as upright - personal choice. My feeling is that it's limiting the system too much. Rather, I see reversed as either a lessening of the effect of a card, or an opposite meaning. I remember one day my sister got all reversed cards and worried herself silly. My response was to tell her to go sit on the other side of the table (she was looking at the situation the wrong way LOL).

Third, consider if you like rider-waite or find another artistic rendering more moving and inspiring. Tarot depends heavily on visual impact for both the reader and the querent. don't be afraid to go looking for a deck that really speaks to you.

I do recomend the Everything Tarot book, which is quite good. I believe Amazon has it on sale presently and you might find it useful to your goals.

Good fortune !
Reply:your destiny is not in those tarot stuff my friend.
Reply:Have you ever asked yourself why you find things like this so fascinating? The reason, I suspect, is because down inside you feel uncertain and nervous about the future and think these things might help you feel more confident.

But this is precisely why I urge you to put your trust in God alone for the future. As I have often said, predictions like these about the future are almost never on target (or else they are too vague to really mean anything). Why build your life around them or get your guidance from them? They are only a substitute for the guidance you really need—which is from God.

My other concern, however, is one that I hope you will take very seriously. These things may seem innocent and amusing at first—but it's easy to get more and more fascinated with them, and eventually become involved in occult practices that are not from God.

Don't be misled: Occult practices are not from God, but from spiritual forces opposed to God. Instead, put your faith and trust in Christ. When we know Him, we know we are safely in His hands no matter what the future holds. The Bible is right: "When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists ... should not a people inquire of their God?" (Isaiah 8:19).
Reply:Tarot in English means: people believe all kind of silly things
Reply:cant help sorry , i don't use books for meanings as i feel if you had the same meaning for each card then it would make a reading less personal , so i use my own intuition with the cards

and there are as many warning cards as there are guidance cards so i don't use reverse either

everyone works differently with cards ... just use them in a way that feels right to you xx
Reply: is about a book on this is a website on this hope this helps.

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