Thursday, May 20, 2010

I read in an online article that you can apply for a credit card online and...?

not only be instantly approved, but they will also give you a printable version of the card that you can go to the store and use right away. Anyone familiar with a company or website that offers this?

I read in an online article that you can apply for a credit card online and...?
I have heard of online approvals that will automatically give you a credit card number that you can use online for purchases. But, a printable card seems like a scam. If I were a retailer I would not accept a printed version of a credit card. I would be very cautious if you are interested in that. Most credit card companies issue immidiate approvals and the card is send within a few days and if you need the card immidiately, I'm sure they can overnight it to you. Call the creditor and ask before you print something out to use.
Reply:That sounds ridiculously insane. I'd be careful if I were you.

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